Rahul Gandhi surrounded the PM on China: Said- PM’s silence on border infiltration is harmful for the country, they are afraid of China

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  • China India | Rahul Gandhi spoke on PM Narendra Modi regarding China’s infiltration in India!

New Delhi2 hours ago

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Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has once again targeted PM Narendra Modi over the increasing infiltration of China in India. Rahul said on Monday that the increasing Chinese infiltration in Indian territory and the silence of the PM is harmful for the country. He tweeted and said that the Prime Minister is afraid of China, he hides the truth from the public. PM only saves his image.

Rahul Gandhi has also accused the PM of demoralizing the army and playing with the security of the country. Congress leaders keep attacking them due to Chinese infiltration in Indian territory and PM’s not giving any statement on this issue. Congress keeps accusing that China is continuously occupying Indian territory, but knowing everything, the government is silent to save its image.

China conducted maneuvers near LAC
Recently, the Chinese Air Force was exposed to maneuver near the LAC. In this, information was also received about the large-scale use of air defense weapons. In the last week of June, a Chinese aircraft came very close to the positions of Indian soldiers posted on the LAC. The Indian Air Force became active as soon as the Chinese aircraft was seen on the radar. The Air Force considered it an intrusion and activated its missiles to shoot down the Chinese aircraft. However, after India’s warning, the Chinese aircraft went back. Read full news…

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