Rafale issue: BJP calls Congress ‘I need commission’ party; Congress demands JPC probe

A fresh political war broke out on Tuesday over the Rafale issue as the BJP accused the Congress leadership of corruption, citing claims of a French media report on paying “commissions” during the UPA regime and saying that the name of the Indian National Congress Should be changed to “I”. Need Commission” party.

Hitting back, Congress highlighted the report’s claim of CBI and ED possessing information related to secret commissions paid by French aviation firm Dassault to a middleman in 2018, asking why the Modi government did not initiate an investigation. And accused him of a cover. -UP. The opposition party also reiterated its demand for a joint parliamentary committee inquiry and asked why the BJP was not demanding it.

BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra launched a scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi, who accused the Modi government of continuing corruption in the purchase of fighter jets, accusing him of spreading “nonsense, propaganda and lies” and sought his response to the French media report. It claimed that the commission was paid between 2007 and 2012 to secure the Rafale deal with India.

However, Rahul Gandhi chose to address his party colleagues on the issue through a tweet, asking them not to stop or be afraid to fight against the “corrupt” central government.

“When the truth is with you at every step, what is there to worry about? My Congress colleagues – keep fighting like this against the corrupt central government. Don’t wait, don’t get tired, don’t be afraid,” Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi. #RafaleScam”. Congress leader KC Venugopal said the only answer to the allegations is a JPC probe into the Rafale issue.

“If bribes have been given, there should be an inquiry. Why are you running away from inquiry? It is very clear that a JPC inquiry is needed for which we are demanding from the government.

The Congress-led UPA was in power between 2004 and 2014, and media reports prompted the ruling BJP to launch an aggressive counter-attack on the main opposition party, which mostly limited itself to dismissing allegations of corruption in the deal. had done

Referring to Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s residence, Patra alleged that the address of corruption is 10 Janpath and claimed that it has become “homeless” after the BJP came to power.

The Modi government signed a deal on September 23, 2016 to buy 36 Rafale jets from Dassault Aviation after a nearly seven-year exercise to procure 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) for the Indian Air Force. UPA rule. Hitting out at the Congress, Patra alleged that it was clearly the discontent of the Congress and the Gandhi family that was the main reason behind the talks during the UPA government.

The MediaPart story says that “corruption, influence-peddling and favoritism” marked the deal during the UPA government, he said, adding, “It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Congress would be renamed ‘I Need Commission’. Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Robert Vadra. Everyone says I need a commission,” Patra said, accusing him of breaking “all records of corruption”. According to Mediapart’s investigation, Dassault Aviation paid a bribe of 7.5 million. Euro to an intermediary in Mauritius between 2007 and 2012.

Rahul Gandhi should answer this from Italy, Patra said, citing reports that the Congress leader is currently not in India. He alleged that the UPA government had struck a deal in every deal.

The Congress has said in the past that the allegations of corruption by the BJP against its ruling family and its members were motivated by vendetta. On the Congress’s plea as to why the government did not investigate the matter, Patra said the alleged middleman was earlier arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in a corruption case and said investigating agencies should investigate the matter.

The BJP spokesperson said that the alleged middleman Sushen Mohan Gupta, whose name has cropped up in the Rafale case, is also accused of taking commission in the purchase of VVIP choppers. It’s too much coincidence, and too much coincidence is always a conspiracy, he said.

However, Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said that his party was demanding a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) inquiry into the deal and asked why the government did not agree to it. Khera claimed that on October 4, 2018, two former BJP Union ministers Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie and a senior lawyer had submitted a complaint to the CBI director citing rampant corruption in the Rafale deal.

But, on October 23, 2018, CBI director Alok Verma was ousted in a “midnight coup”, with Khera alleging that it was part of a concerted conspiracy through the CBI to bury the Rafale ghost. “Why did the Modi government and the government CBI not act on the evidence of commission and corruption for the last 36 months? Why is it buried? Why did the Modi government remove the CBI chief in a midnight coup,” the Congress leader asked.

He asked why the anti-corruption clauses had been “approved by the prime minister” despite the defense ministry’s insistence on including it in the inter-governmental agreement in July 2015. “The ‘Operation Cover-up’ by the Modi government to bury the melting pot of corruption, bribery and collusion in the Rafale deal has once again been exposed,” alleged the Congress spokesperson.

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