Puffy Eyes: How to Get Rid of Those Eye Bags – Dermatologist shares Important Tips

Bags under one’s eyes or puffiness under the eyes – slight swelling – are more than just cosmetic concerns. While in some cases, puffiness can occur with age when the tissues around your eyes become weaker, sometimes there are underlying lifestyle and health causes that can lead to eye bags. While you don’t need to worry unnecessarily about it, as Dr. Priyanka Reddy, Founder and Chief Dermatologist at DNA Skin Clinic says, “Understanding the underlying cause of puffy eyes is key to addressing it properly.” helps”

What is swelling in your eyes: causes

Dr. Priyanka Reddy says that puffy eyes can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

• lack of sleep
• Weeping
• Allergies
• sinus infection
• Thyroid disorders
• Dehydration
• hormonal changes
• genetics
• Ageing
• some medicines

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how to get rid of puffy eyes

Dr Reddy says there are many ways to reduce puffiness around the eyes. Here are some of the remedies listed by him:

• Apply cold compress or cold slices of cucumber on the eyes for about 10-15 minutes. It may help constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.

• Get enough sleep and reduce stress. Lack of sleep and high levels of stress can cause puffiness around the eyes.

• Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause swollen eyes.

• Gently massage the temples and the area around the eyes. This can help stimulate circulation and reduce swelling.

• Avoid sodium in your diet. Sodium can cause fluid retention and lead to puffiness around the eyes.

• Apply a product specially designed to reduce puffiness around the eyes, such as an eye cream or gel containing caffeine, vitamin K, retinol, or other ingredients that may help reduce puffiness and dark circles. Can

“It is also important to note that swelling around the eyes can be caused by medical conditions such as allergies, sinus infections, and thyroid problems. Healthcare professionals,” says Dr. Reddy.