Puducherry reports 27 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the total caseload in the UT to 1,29,52

Chennai: The Union Territory of Puducherry recorded 27 new coronavirus cases during the last 24 hours, taking the total tally to 1,29,527, a senior health department official said on Sunday. Health department director G Sriramulu said in a release that no death was reported in any of the four zones.

At the end of 562 samples tested, 27 new cases were identified and were spread over Puducherry (19), Karaikal (six) and Mahe (2). The director said Yanam, an enclave in Puducherry in Andhra Pradesh, did not report any fresh infections.

The number of active cases stood at 150 in 38 patients in hospitals and the remaining 112 in home isolation. During the last 24 hours, 13 patients were cured and discharged, taking the total recoveries to 1,27,496.

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Sriramulu said the death toll stood at 1,881 as no death has been reported in the union territory in the last 24 hours. The test positivity rate was 4.80 per cent while the death and recovery rates were 1.45 per cent and 98.43 per cent respectively.

The health department has tested 20,52,131 samples so far and 17,41,082 of them have been found negative. The department has given 13, 97, 207 doses in which the first dose is 8,35,950 while the second dose is 5,61,257.
