“Priyanka Gandhi Tried To Mislead But…”: BJP MP Slams Congress After Electoral Loss

'Priyanka Gandhi tried to mislead but...': BJP MP targets Congress after electoral defeat

Sushil Modi accused Congress of corruption and doing dynastic politics.

new Delhi:

After the Congress’s poor performance in the recently concluded Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, BJP MP Sushil Kumar Modi on Sunday hit out at Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. Taking a dig at her women-centric election campaign in the politically important state, she accused the grand old party of corruption and doing dynastic politics.

“Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said she was the face of Congress in UP and tried to mislead women with the slogan ‘I am a woman, I can fight’ but people gave her only 2 seats. Despite this, Congress No leader has asked for his resignation. From the post of General Secretary,” he said in Hindi on Twitter.

“A party steeped in dynasticism and corruption has been pretending for many years only to introspect,” he said.

BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP from Bihar and former Deputy Chief Minister of the state, Shri Modi has strongly criticized the Congress party in several tweets since yesterday.

Taking a jibe at Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi, whom she called the “de facto supremo” of the party as there has been no full-time formal head of the party in many years, she said that the Congress has even taken the party back. Lost the will to save and defend its internal democracy.

Mr Modi said Congress leaders do not have the courage to free the Gandhi family’s party even after the “shameful” defeat in five states. “The party will also be wiped out from Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh in the next elections,” he said.

Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi along with her family members Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had proposed to resign during the Congress Working Committee meeting on Sunday, but the CWC unanimously rejected it, a senior party leader said. told news agency ANI Yesterday

The CWC described the recent assembly election results in five states as “a matter of grave concern” for the party.

The Gandhi family has come under severe criticism after the party’s massive defeat in the recent state elections, with demands for a change of leadership in the party getting louder every day. The leaders of the “G-23” – a group of 23 “dissenters” who wrote to Sonia Gandhi two years ago – held a meeting at senior leader Ghulam Nabi Azad’s house on Friday.

Many predicted another fruitless exercise internally in the name of “introspection” with the Congress Working Committee – in which Gandhi’s “loyalists” easily outweighed “dissenters” – widely expected to abstain from harsh decisions. done. The CWC has only three members from “G-23” – Anand Sharma, Ghulam Nabi Azad and Mukul Wasnik.