Printing Cash Short Term Solution: Kotak – Times of India

Mumbai: Veteran Banker shining box said that the central bank printing money Can be harmful in the long run. Kotak, who called six months ago reserve Bank of India To expand its balance sheet, said money printing is only a short-term solution.
Hinting at the need for normalization, Box said in a tweet Central bank And globally sovereigns have a medicine for all problems – print money. It distorts the value as well as the values.
“Like climate change, this is a future generation problem. We need to solve it, not kick off. The future is here. The future is now,” Kotak said.
In May, Kotak had called for printing of money as a relief in the wake of the second worst wave of the pandemic. “If not now, then when?” Kotak asked. Explaining the change in stance, Kotak said in a subsequent tweet, “There was a typical crisis six months ago in May”. covid 2.0, which required a temporary ‘steroid’. Global policymakers have been using the same drug for all conditions since 2008. Steroids taken for a long time are very harmful. ”
Kotak is another senior banker who pointed out how surplus liquidity is distorting prices. last month, State Bank Of India President dinesh khara The RBI had warned that the surplus liquidity is leading to misvaluation of credit risk.
