‘Pride of Delhi’: Sarojini, Lajpat to get ‘world class’ makeover, new branding in 5 markets

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made an important announcement on Monday regarding some big and popular markets of the city. Sarojini Nagar, Lajpat Nagar, Khari Baoli, Kamla Nagar and Kirti Nagar will be the first five markets to get a “world-class makeover” and a “new identity” under the first phase of the initiative to revamp the city’s market areas.

In a virtual press conference shared on his Twitter, Kejriwal said, “With the new identity, the markets of Delhi will now move towards progress. Important announcement regarding big markets of Delhi.

The Chief Minister said that under this initiative, redevelopment of markets, beautification and new branding would be done keeping in mind the appeal of the people. “These markets are the pride of Delhi and, once redeveloped, tourists from all over the world will come to visit them. This is in line with the announcement made in the ‘Employment Budget’ to create more employment opportunities.”

He further said that the Delhi government had put an advertisement in the newspaper on April 22, after which it received 49 applications from 33 markets. He said that soon an eight-member committee was formed and nine were shortlisted.

Kejriwal also said that the committee members inspected the markets and then made a final list of five in consultation with market associations, shopkeepers and other stakeholders.

Each market was selected for its unique selling point and rebranding value. The selection committee has said in its report that the USP of Kamla Nagar lies in appealing to the youth. “Kamla Nagar is known as a popular place for youths, who gather there for the addon,” Kejriwal said.

Khari Baoli has been selected for the best spices, and has been traded here since the Mughal Empire.

The committee mentioned in its report that Lajpat Nagar is known for high-end street fashion and is a one-stop destination for women’s fashion and wedding shopping.

For Sarojini Nagar, the USP is fast fashion with the latest trendsetting fashions, while Kirti Nagar is a one-stop shop for furniture.

“I congratulate the market associations and shopkeepers of these markets. These have been selected for the first phase to make them world class,” Kejriwal said.

The CM said that for the design component, the Delhi government would announce a competition in six weeks. “The best designers and architects from India will participate in the competition. The best designs will be selected on the basis of which these markets will be reconstructed.”

Under the Delhi government’s project, the markets will be beautified and civic amenities will be increased so that the number of people will increase in the form of business.

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