Presidential election 2022 to be held on July 18, Ram Nath Kovind’s term ending on July 24

Presidential Election 2022: The Election Commission has fixed the date for the presidential election. Presidential elections will be held on 18 July, the country will receive a new president on 21 July. The last date for nominations is June 29.

Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said in a press conference on Thursday that a notice has been issued for the Presidential election. Special ink pen will be given for voting in the election. To vote, write 1, 2, 3 in the space provided. The vote will be canceled if the first choice is not given.

At the same time, political parties are not allowed to use any kind of whip during this period. Voting will be held in Parliament and Legislative Assemblies. The election will be supervised by the Secretary General of the Rajya Sabha. Apart from this, instructions have been given to follow the corona procedure.

Remind you that the term of President Ram Nath Kovind will end on July 24, 2022. Before this, the 15th President of the country will be elected. For the last 45 years, the newly elected President has assumed office on this date. The most recent presidential election was held on July 17, 2017.

Ordinary citizens do not vote to elect the President. Representatives elected by the people and members of the Upper House vote on it. Members of both the houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) will vote in the presidential election.

In addition, representatives of all state legislatures vote in the presidential election. Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry are also included.

Who is barred from voting in the presidential election?

People are not able to vote in the presidential election of the country. Nominated members and members of the Legislative Council are not eligible to vote in the presidential election.

If the Chief Minister of a state is a member of the Legislative Council, he cannot vote in the election of the President.

Presidential elections are conducted using the single transferable vote method. This means that each Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha member can vote only once.

What were the results of presidential election 2017?

The latest presidential election voting took place on July 17, 2017. On 20 July, the ballots were counted, and Ram Nath Kovind was declared the winner, defeating his nearest rival Meira Kumar by 3 Lakh 34 Thousand 730 votes.