President Kovind will stay in Himachal for 5 days: Corona test of President House personnel will be done 24 hours in advance; Cookers will come together from Delhi, even on giving cap and shawls are prohibited

  • Hindi News
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  • Himachal
  • Shimla
  • RT PCR test of employees will be done 24 hours before the arrival of the President, there will also be a ban on cooks, caps, shawls coming from Delhi

Shimla12 hours ago

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President Ram Nath Kovind is visiting Himachal for 5 days. A plan has been prepared for his coming to Shimla. At the same time, RT-PCR test will be done for the employees posted at Rashtrapati Niwas (Retreat). The Kovid test of these employees will be done 24 hours before the President’s arrival here. The President will be in Shimla from 16 to 20 September. He is expected to be accompanied by his wife and about 20 relatives. In view of this, the government has started preparations.

Continuous meetings are being held to ensure that no deficiency is left in the care of the President and his guests. The district administration is also checking how many employees have received both doses of the vaccine at the retreat. In this regard, rounds of meetings are going on in the Secretariat under the chairmanship of Administration Secretary Devesh Kumar. Earlier, Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh and Devesh Kumar both visited the retreat and took stock of the preparations. There are instructions not to take any kind of hesitation.

Prohibition on giving gifts to the President
In view of the increasing cases of corona infection in the state, the government has issued necessary instructions. The President’s Secretariat has been directed that no flowers, shawls, caps or other gifts shall be presented to the President. Apart from this, people will come from Delhi Rashtrapati Bhavan to cook food for the President and his relatives. A team of administrative officers and employees will also accompany from Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Chief Minister will invite the President to visit Himachal
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur is on a visit to Delhi and he will invite President Ram Nath Kovind to visit Himachal after reaching Rashtrapati Bhavan today. The Chief Minister will reach Rashtrapati Bhavan around 12:00 noon. Assembly Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar and State Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh have also accompanied him.

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