Preparation of booster dose: MD of Bharat Biotech said – it would be right to take 6 months after the second dose; Nasal vaccine expected in 3-4 months

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  • Ideal time for booster dose six months after second COVID jab CMD Bharat Biotech

Hyderabad5 hours ago

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Dr. Krishna Ella, MD of Bharat Biotech, a company that makes Covaxin, says that it would be right to take a booster dose after 6 months of taking the second dose. However, the final decision in this regard is to be taken by the government. Let us tell you that many countries including America have started giving booster (third dose) of corona vaccine, but it has not started in India yet.

Bharat Biotech is also conducting trials of Corona’s nasal vaccine. The company says that the analysis of the data of the second phase is going on and the launch of this vaccine is expected in 3-4 months. The company wants to use the Covin platform for its clinical trials, for this the government is being talked about.

Bharat Biotech MD Krishna Ella has indicated that the nasal vaccine could be an alternative to the second dose of Covaxin. It will give protection to those who have been infected. According to Alla, the nasal vaccine is more effective than the vaccine given by syringe and people taking it may eliminate the need to wear a mask.

Status of booster doses in the world

Booster dose of pfizer vaccine is 95.6% effective on corona
The booster shot of the US company Pfizer-BioNtech’s corona vaccine gives 95.6% protection against infection. Last month, the company had given information about the trial conducted for 11 months on 10,000 people above the age of 16 years. It has been revealed that after taking the second dose of Pfizer vaccine, 84% and after taking the third (booster) dose, the infection can be avoided by 95.6%.

What are the rules for booster doses in the US?
The US Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved a booster dose of the vaccine in September. However, only people above 65 years of age and people at high risk are being given booster doses.

Booster Dose to 18+ in Europe
In early October, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved a booster dose for people over the age of 18. In Europe, the EMA is exempted from giving the first booster dose to any age group they want.

Lowest age limit in Israel
Israel has asked its medical authorities to administer a booster dose to all people over the age of 12.

Bharat Biotech’s response to delay in WHO’s approval for Covaxin
Bharat Biotech has blamed negative reporting on the delay in getting World Health Organization (WHO) approval for Covaxin. The company says that the media attributed some of the deaths in Bhopal to the vaccine, while these were suicide cases. Let us tell you that the WHO has given approval to Covaxin after a long time on 3 November.

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