Preparation for celebration: On completion of 100 crore doses of corona vaccination, announcement will be made at bus stand, planes, airport, station

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Announcement will happen at bus stand, plane, airport, station on completion of 100 crore doses of corona vaccination

New Delhi6 hours ago

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The country will achieve this feat on October 18 or 19.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The country will achieve this feat on October 18 or 19.

The country will touch the figure of 100 crore anti-Covid vaccine doses on October 18 or 19. Great preparations have been made to celebrate this achievement. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said on Thursday that it will be announced through loudspeakers on planes, ships, ports, metro trains, railway stations, bus stands. Flowers will be showered on health workers at health centers.

Aircraft company SpiceJet will put up posters of 100 crore vaccines and health workers with photos of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on its planes. Mandaviya was speaking at the launch of a coffee table book on Kovid Warrior. He said that till now 97 crores have been dosed.

Next target – In any case, the second day should be applied to all
Mandaviya said that after touching the 100 crore mark, we will ensure that those who have taken one dose get the second dose also, so that they are safe from Kovid-19. Mandaviya also wrote on social media, ‘Lage Raho India, let’s fight Corona.’ Let us inform that this coffee table book issued by the Ministry of Health has been issued in honor of Kovid Warriors. 13 Kovid Warriors from 8 states have been included in this.

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