post-covid: Docs: Post-cov Complications Significantly Lower In 3rd Wave | Guwahati News – Times of India

GUWAHATI: The Omicron variant-induced third wave resulted in a much faster spread of the virus but health experts have said post-covid symptoms have almost disappeared if compared to the aftermath of the earlier two waves.
In the next 15 days and thereafter, doctors have said, the situation is set to improve further. By August last year, though the number of active cases had declined noticeably, a large number of discharged patients had started returning to hospitals with post-Covid complications. Problems associated with lungs, heart and joints started showing up. A dedicated hospital was also opened at Kalapahar under the administrative control of the Gauhati Medical College Hospital (GMCH) here to deal with these cases.
But as the third wave is set to hit rock bottom in the state, doctors are hardly finding such complications this year. Interestingly, in GMCH, no post-Covid complication case has been reported yet, said GMCH principal, Dr Achyut Baishya.
“No reports of post-Covid complications have been reported at the GMCH in the third wave. Infections in the third wave have been mild. So there were hardly any complications after recovery,” he said.
Dr Basanta Hazarika, associate professor in the pulmonary medicine department of GMCH, said, “Covid has been less severe in the third wave and so there were fewer complications. Hardly any patient is approaching us with post-Covid complications.”
“If we see post-Covid complications, the number of such cases in the state may be less than 10% this time,” said Dr Raktim Tamuly, who treated many cases in the Kalapahar hospital. The post-Covid hospital was closed by the end of last year.
Director of Medical Education, AssamDr. Anup Kumar barman, told TOI that except for patients with comorbid conditions, the third wave has hardly posed any threat. “Omicron is less severe. Since the number of post-Covid complications was almost nil, it seems the infections were due to Omicron and not the delta variant,” said Barman.
