Post-Budget Webinar: PM Modi advocates self-reliance in Semi-conductor, Make in India India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Making a pitch for self reliance In Semi-conductor, PM Narendra Modi Thursday stressed’Make in IndiaThe initiative calls for sustainable and qualitative manufacturing in the country.
literally addressed a post budget Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT, webinar On ‘Make in India for the world’, the Prime Minister said, “We need to focus on ‘Make in India’, need to manufacture sustainable and qualitative products. We have to become self-reliant in the production of semiconductors. ‘Make in India’ In India ‘Bharat Mein’ is the need of the hour.”
The ‘Make in India’ initiative is “not only the need of the hour”, but it is also “an opportunity to show our manufacturing prowess to the world,” the Prime Minister said.
Emphasizing the importance of the initiative, the Prime Minister said, “Our aim is to make India a self-reliant market based not only for ourselves but for the world. This will be an endeavor that will boost manpower and skill development and the coming years.” Time makes us stronger.”
“Make in India brings endless opportunities,” he said.
The Prime Minister also said that there is a need to work towards making India a “manufacturing powerhouse”.
PM Modi said, “Our country has been endowed with manpower and resources which will significantly help in achieving our goals.”