Pooja Bedi tests COVID positive: Why her stand on not taking vaccine and believing in ‘natural immunity’ is being criticized – Times of India

Actress and wellness coach, Pooja Bedi is the latest celebrity to be diagnosed with COVID-19. The 51-year-old made the announcement on social media, revealing that he has been suffering from COVID for some time, and tested positive for COVID along with his partner and house help.

While there are many accounts of people testing positive for COVID despite vaccination (now known as success cases), what is so different in Pooja’s case is that she caught the virus and remained unaffected by the choice- Something like this, however, is his personal decision but his views are divided.

ALSO READ: Six of the biggest COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked

Recalling her symptoms, including a persistent cough and passing out due to extreme fatigue, Bedi said she was relying on her body’s natural defenses to fight off the infection and gain immunity.

He posted a video online saying,

“Hello everyone! I’ve been wondering why I haven’t had coronavirus until now. It’s so contagious and everyone, at some point, is going to get it. Well, voila! Looks like I caught it now.” I have tested positive.”

Stating that he confused his symptoms as dust allergies, the 51-year-old said that while the virus was really bad, that still didn’t cause him enough reason to get the vaccine, coming across as an anti-vaxxer. .

“We should know that 99 percent of the people who caught coronavirus before the vaccine came, have survived. And, 99 percent have survived even after vaccination. We need caution, not panic. The fact is that we have tools and accessories. For me, it was a choice I took. I know that my immunity will increase naturally and I want to rely on my natural immunity. Each of you, go to make your own choice, this is my old journey.”

Why being an anti-vaxxer can be risky during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bedi is the latest to be vocal about her anti-vaccination stance globally. While anti-vaxxers, ie people who believe that vaccines are natural, not safe and violate human rights, are actively campaigning against the legalization and experimental nature of COVID-19 vaccines, the numbers in India have dwindled. Is. However, the numbers are gradually increasing, and it is believed that those who do not get the vaccine, or vote against it, may further increase the number of cases.

While there are many who believe that not getting vaccinated is really Bedi’s personal choice, which should be left to her, there are others who believe not to believe in vaccines, or to be staunch opponents of vaccines. It carries more risk than this. Epidemic phase. They not only put their health at risk, but also those around them with their thoughts.

Why is Pooja Bedi’s stand so suspicious?

This is not the first time Bedi has been criticized for her response to the COVID-19 crisis. From openly flouting rules, traveling to her home in Goa at a time when strict restrictions were imposed, to the time she claimed she didn’t want to live under a mask or go to jail, Pooja Bedi’s comments have been questioned for a long time. Her recent illness, and still thoughts of being unvaccinated, have once again left people divided. The comments section on her videos, and other posts are proof.

Some even think that being a public figure, being a celebrity and an anti-vaxxer can be double-edged swords. While we often rely on celebrity reactions to believe in something or to feel related, many people feel that a celebrity who will openly express their views against vaccination may actually be affecting people negatively. Which is not only bad, but it is also incredibly risky, given that we are living in times of a pandemic, and COVID-19 is a much more serious illness than a cold or flu. . For example, personal views of Pooja, on a public platform like Instagram, can influence people in a bad way, ridiculing them for making the right decisions.

The problem with Pooja’s opinion on COVID-19 vaccines is that they are quite one-sided. While they believe that their body’s natural defenses will help them overcome the SARS-COV-2 virus, and help them to gain natural immunity, it also needs to be remembered that relying on natural immunity is not enough for everyone. May not be an option for anyone. For someone who is severely immunized, has poor immune function, has comorbidities, or has a severe COVID-risk, based on natural immunity alone may not help, and additional defenses such as vaccination are really necessary. .

Does natural immunity really protect you in the long run?

Apart from Bedi, there are many accounts and beliefs for people to believe that once they have had the disease, they do not need the COVID-19 vaccine (or other vaccines), as they will have natural immunity.

Also read: Antibodies or vaccines released from infection, which is more effective and longer lasting?

However, not only has this claim been questioned and people who are recovering have been asked to get vaccinated as soon as possible, the natural immunity can diminish over time and put you at risk again.

Artificial immunity, like natural immunity, works in a similar way to activate the antibodies needed with the help of a vaccine. While natural COVID antibodies persist for a maximum of 3–4 months after exposure to the antigen (and can be rapidly eliminated for those who are immunocompromised), vaccine-driven immunity can strengthen defenses, and May provide additional benefits regarding mitigating COVID. Severity and mortality risk. These risks have been assessed and studied in laboratory-based studies, and there is sufficient real-world data to support this. In fact, in people who have successfully contracted the infection, symptoms have been mild, and are easily resolvable.
