Political candidates turn to social media as Covid hampers campaigning

Due to the covid-19 Guidelines and restrictions imposed by the Election Commission of India (ECI), various party candidates have turned to social media for campaigning.

Video messages of singers praising the candidates have become a favorite medium for several candidates to be able to interact with voters.

Songs of candidates who previously held a position list out the work that was done during their tenure while songs of new candidates are listed their agendas.

In the three constituencies, around 50 per cent of all permissions were granted for such methods.
According to one of the officials, a total of 90 permissions were given in this regard to the several contesting candidates for their respective election campaigns. These included seeking permission for displaying their posters, flying balloons and making different video messages as well as advertisements that can be broadcasted on different social media platforms.

“Out of the 90 permissions, 45 permissions were given for video recorded messages and songs recorded by singers for candidates of political parties. The permissions were given after checking the content of the audio and video material,” the officer added.

Speaking further on the matter, the officer added that apart from the flying balloons, political candidates also related on displaying flex boards as another method to reach out to the voters of different constituencies.
“We also gave nine permissions for flying balloons,” the officer said. The election campaigns are set to come to an end here on Friday. The district will also observe dry from February 18 to 20.
