PM Modi Receives Standing Ovation As He Walks Into New Parliament Building

New Delhi: Amidst chants of “Modi” “Modi” and thunderous applause, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday walked into the new Parliament building he had inaugurated at a ceremony this morning. Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the chamber of the new Parliament House for the inauguration ceremony of the second phase. The first phase of the celebrations began this morning with Vedic rituals and ‘Sarva Dharma Prarthana’ ceremony.

After offering prayers, the Prime Minister installed ‘Sengol’ in the Lok Sabha chamber, right next to the speaker’s chair. He also prostrated in front of it and sought the blessings of Adhyanam from various temples in Tamil Nadu.

After performing the puja, PM Modi installed the sacred ‘Sengol’ in the new Lok Sabha chamber, right next to the speaker’s chair. During the ceremony, PM Modi also bowed in front of ‘Sengol’ as a mark of respect.

The historic ‘Sengol’ was handed over to PM Modi by Adhinams before it was installed in the new Parliament House. Sengol marked the transfer of power from the British to the Indians in 1947. The Prime Minister dedicated the new Parliament House to the nation by unveiling a plaque.

During the first phase of the inauguration, PM Modi honored some of the workers involved in the construction of the new building and handed over mementos to them. During the ceremony, a ‘Sarva Dharma Prarthana’ (multi-faith prayer) ceremony was held at the new Parliament House, where ‘Sarva Dharma Prarthana’ was conducted by religious leaders in various languages.

PM Modi also paid tribute to VD Savarkar on the occasion of Savarkar Jayanti in the new Parliament. The second phase of the ceremony began with the national anthem in the Lok Sabha chamber. All invited guests including Members of Parliament, Speaker of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Speaker and other distinguished guests are present on the occasion.

The Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha addressed the gathering and read out the congratulatory message of President Draupadi Murmu on the inauguration of the new Parliament House. He said that this Parliament, illuminated by the collective hopes and aspirations of our citizens, gives our country the energy to move towards a bright future.

The Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha also read out Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar’s message on the inauguration of the new Parliament House. He said that this new Parliament is a symbol of our country’s resolve to break free from the shackles of slave mentality.

The newly constructed building of Parliament, which will serve to further enrich India’s glorious democratic traditions and constitutional values, is also equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, which will help the members to perform their functions in a better way.

The new Parliament House has been designed to be able to seat 888 members of the Lok Sabha. In the present building of the Parliament, there is a provision to seat 543 members in the Lok Sabha and 250 in the Rajya Sabha.

Keeping in mind the future requirements, arrangements have been made to hold meetings of 888 members in the Lok Sabha and 384 in the Rajya Sabha in the newly constructed building of the Parliament. The joint session of both the Houses will be held in the Lok Sabha Chamber.