Plane Review: Pilot Gerard Butler Stops at Nothing to Save His Crew in This Thrilling Film

edited by: Bohni Bandyopadhyay

Last Update: January 12, 2023, 12:09 pm IST

There have been many movies and series about what can go wrong on a plane ride. Jean-François Richet’s latest film Planes starts out as any other thriller movie where the plane gets stuck during a terrible storm, only this time, the safe escape from the storm is not the resolution point in the film, but the moment it becomes one. And enters the bigger, more dangerous crisis.

The action thriller begins with pilot Brody Torrance (Gerard Butler) piloting his plane in the midst of a fierce storm and barely landing on an uncharted island after the plane is damaged. Brody and his co-pilot discover that they are on an island in a remote area of ​​the Philippines. Among the other passengers, who are by now starting to get restless, we also have Luis Gaspar (Mike Colter) who is convicted of a murder. With this disparate group of passengers and few members of his crew, Brody must find a way to get off the remote island with almost no means of communication. However, we soon learn that they are not the only group on the island as it is also home to a group of anti-government militants.

While Brody and Louis wander off to find some help, the rest of the group is taken hostage by a militant group.

On the other hand, the rescue experts are trying to track the flight and after locating the whereabouts of the damaged plane, they send mercenaries to carry out the rescue operation. The film takes a bloody turn in which the pilot and the criminals face off against a group of militants. The two manage to rescue the group from where they were being held captive but Brody decides to stay back and create a distraction so the others can escape without alerting the militants. Just when he was about to be killed by the insurgents, Brodie was saved very easily by the rescue team, who managed to gun down some of the insurgents and escape from their plane with barely a scratch.

However, they are now in deep water as they are followed by the entire village with arms and ammunition. By this point, it’s a little too easy for viewers to predict that Brody will be able to lead his team out of this catastrophe, but when exactly he does it doesn’t seem clear or very clear. The credit goes to the director and the actors who fit their parts perfectly.

The well-choreographed action sequences ensure that they keep you glued to the screen till the very end. The last 20 minutes of the movie will have you on the edge of your seat, constantly praying for Brody’s crew to bail them out of trouble. And when they finally make a safe landing at a nearby landing ground, it feels like a personal victory.

The Plane, despite a few clichés here and there, works because of how well it creates anxiety in the audience with its deadly sequences. From the beginning where Udaan braves the storm to the final gun battle between the two groups, the suspense is never over. These factors make the Gerard Butler and Mike Colter film a great watch for the weekend.

The film will have a theatrical release India On 13 January.

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