Philippines upholds US military deal for Covid vaccines as ‘concession’ – Times of India

Manila: President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte said the US vaccine donation convinced him to hold a military deal between the two longtime allies, a key part of President Joe Biden’s efforts to counter Chinese influence in the region.
At a late Monday briefing, Duterte said he agreed to continue visiting forces agreement With the US as a “concession” for donated coronavirus shots, which include more than 3 million Moderna Inc. The dose is due on Tuesday.
“It’s just give and take,” Duterte said. “I want to thank the President of the United States, Biden, the government and the people of America for not forgetting us. Don’t forget us, because we share similar perspectives on geopolitics, especially in Southeast Asia.”
Last year the Philippine leader stepped in to end a 23-year-old military deal over US criticism related to his government’s human rights record, part of a broader push by Duterte to move closer to China during his five years in power. was part. But he kept delaying the official termination of the deal before finally agreeing to keep it during the settlement. pentagon Premier Lloyd Austin’s visit to Manila last week amid continuing tensions with Beijing in the South China Sea.
Southeast Asia is a major battlefield as Washington and Beijing seek greater geopolitical influence in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The US has vowed to boost vaccine distribution across the region as part of the so-called Quad Grouping, while Beijing has already distributed nearly 350 million doses globally, including in the president’s Southeast Asian partner countries . Xi JinpingK Signature Belt and Road Initiative.
The US has increased vaccine donations in recent months to Southeast Asia, which has relied on Chinese shots to boost sluggish vaccinations as the fast-spreading delta variant fuels record daily virus cases across the region. Huh. US wants to be “seen as a trusted partner in the fight” covid,” a senior state Department the official said in a separate briefing on Monday. Without mentioning China, this person said the US has given over 20 million doses to the region, with no strings attached.
“We have provided these for free, and we don’t want and don’t expect anything in return,” the official said. “Clearly, that’s not the case with vaccines donated from other countries, and we want to be clear that we don’t follow — we don’t follow that playbook.”
Duterte also warned in his briefing on Monday night US State Department “Be careful” after Democratic senators urged Biden’s government to condemn alleged human rights violations in the Philippines.


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