PC market expands 50% YoY in April-June – Times of India

Chennai: The covid The second wave and indefinite closure of educational institutions led to a 40-50% year-on-year (YoY) growth in shipments of desktops, laptops and tablets in the April-June period. Being the most sought-after computing devices, notebooks (laptops) continue to make up the majority share.
Analysts said remote working and learning is emerging as one device per person in a family giving a major boost to the personal computing market. Brands also reported healthy channel availability, and most global vendors are prioritizing inventory in growth markets such as India, he said.
As per the data, India PC market (including desktop, notebook and workstation) registered 50.5% YoY shipment growth in April to June International Data Corporation (IDC)

IDC said a total of 3.2 million PCs were shipped in the quarter, registering strong double-digit growth across all product categories despite the absence of any major education and government deals.
Data from IDC showed that the consumer segment grew over 110% year-on-year and nearly 6% sequentially in April-June as home education boosted demand. The commercial segment grew a modest 14% as enterprises – particularly IT and ITeS companies – continued to buy to manage their ongoing work from home. Himachal Pradesh, Pit And Lenovo As per the estimates of IDC, it emerged as the top three brands with a market share of 34%, 22% and 18% respectively.
Jaipal Singh, Research Manager (Client Devices), IDC India, said that indefinite closure of schools and educational institutions to buy laptops for factors like keeping learners on smartphones for longer use and protecting their eyesight has been converted. He said laptop purchases by enterprises are improving as remote working continues and desktop purchases are supported by BFSI and other sectors.
Rishabh Doshi, director of research firm Canalys, said PC vendors now face two major business opportunities – first-time PC users and upgraders. “With the massive jump in installed base over the past year, the upgrade opportunities will provide a strong long-term sales pipeline.” Canalys reported a 42 per cent year-on-year growth in shipments in April-June.
PC vendor Lenovo sees demand for premiumization as consumers look for better features, seeing higher, more long-term usage. Shailendra Katyal, MD, Lenovo PCSD India said that there is a demand for flexible machines with better battery life, larger screen sizes for tablets and better processing speed and display quality so that a work PC can double as a device for gaming and entertainment.
Component shortfall continues to be an issue for the sector, but analysts say that the limit on order crunch and backlog is looming. Looking at specifications, the enterprise PC market was relatively more affected by semiconductor shortages, while the consumer market was less affected, said analyst Mikako Kitagawa, director of research at Gartner.


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