Pawanmuktasana facilitates the free flow of air in the body, watch the video

Last Update: February 13, 2023, 18:36 IST

    Pay attention to your breaths.

Pay attention to your breaths.

Begin in any posture sitting on the mat like Padmasana and stretch your body by interlocking the fingers of both your hands.

After COVID-19, the importance of staying fit and strengthening our body’s immunity and overall health has become even more important. Apart from proper nutrition and proper sleep cycle, exercising your body will give good results. If you feel that weight training and high-intensity training are not your cup of tea, you can always rely on yoga, which has its own set of benefits.

One of the elements of which the body is made is air. If there is any obstruction in the flow of air inside the body then it can cause problems. Today we will tell you about an asana known as Pawanmukti Asana which, true to its name, allows free flow of air inside your body.

Begin by sitting in any position on the mat, such as Padmasana, and stretching your body by interlocking the fingers of both your hands. Take a deep breath and hold your breath like this. Then, as the body relaxes, lower the hands and assume the meditative position. Now take a deep breath, close your eyes and focus on exhaling. Say “Om” out loud and start meditating. After that, do some light exercises according to your ability. Watch the video to see yoga expert Savita performing.

Lie down comfortably on the mat and relax the body completely. Pay attention to your breaths. Now lift one leg and while rotating it, bend the knee. Now hold the leg while holding it with both the hands. Keep the other leg absolutely straight and remain in this posture for some time. People who have cervical problems have to keep their neck down. But those who do not have cervical problems, try to hold the feet well and touch the knees with your neck. Wait for a while and then lie down comfortably on the mat. Now do the same action with the other leg as well.

Now bend both the legs and make a grip and rotate once to the right and then to the left. You do this 10 to 15 times. Then relax Watch the video above for better understanding.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana

As intestinal flatulence moves through and is expelled more quickly, this pose greatly reduces flatulence.

Positive changes in cases of a flabby abdomen, sub-normal function of the pelvic organs and abdominal organs, and relief from chronic constipation and a slow liver are also noted with treatment.

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