Parking full in Shimla: Police issued advisory; Tourists from outside states should come only after parking is ensured.

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  • Himachal
  • Shimla
  • Full parking in Shimla, police issued advisory; Tourists coming from outside states should come only after ensuring parking

Shimla9 minutes ago

There was a jam in Shimla on Sunday.

A large number of tourists have arrived in Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh, this weekend. Till Sunday morning, around 9000 vehicles have entered Shimla. Whereas, till Saturday evening, 5014 vehicles had reached Shimla. In such a situation, Shimla Police has issued an advisory that tourists coming from outside the state should ensure that they are getting parking here before coming to Shimla.

All the parking in the city is full. Police say that all the tourists who are coming to Shimla. They can park their vehicles near Tutikandi parking lot or can come to the city by bus. Due to the tourist season, tourists reach Shimla to visit from the surrounding states. In this sequence, a large number of tourists have reached Shimla on weekends.

Due to which the parking of the city is full. In such a situation, once again the traffic jam in the capital has increased the problems of the people. Due to the jam, employed people and school children are not able to reach on time. Even today, vehicles and buses were stuck in jam for half an hour near Shimla’s 103 Tunnel.

DSP Headquarters Kamal Verma has urged tourists to park their vehicles in such a place where there is a parking space. With this, there will be no traffic jam in the city, but people will also not be inconvenienced. He says that challans will be deducted for those who park the car randomly.

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