Parents’ dilemmas for schooling: Boarding vs day school – Times of India

Young parents face a very difficult choice whether to keep their children with them at home or send them to a good boarding school. They want the best for their children without a doubt, but it is not clear to most parents what would be/will be best for their children.

If the parents themselves attended a boarding school, then it is so easy to decide. The most obvious reason that parents give for not sending their children to boarding schools is that they will go in search of their career and life anyway. The most common reason for sending to boarding school is to foster a sense of discipline and the development of a complete personality.

I would like to delve into the boarding life in more detail which may help the parents in their send/keep decision. Like anything in life, sending your child to boarding school versus keeping him with you both have their advantages and disadvantages. You have to carefully see what works best for you and your baby. It demands a very serious and honest introspection.

Opportunity to pursue multiple interests but inability to specialize in any one:
Students can pursue and dabble in many interests at boarding schools. Sports, debates, drama, inter house/inter school competitions, treks, community work are all part of your life in boarding school.

However, special infrastructure cannot be provided for just one student as parents can do for their only child. If you are a parent who is highly motivated or a child who is a minded in pursuit of a goal, it is best to keep the child at home.

No specific treatment: Some babies just require an investment of more time, effort and money to bloom. This may be due to social, medical or emotional reasons. Boarding schools are not equipped to serve such children with special needs. If your child is a high-maintenance clientele or if you feel that your child needs special care then hostel life is not for him.

Otherwise most children become more attuned to community life and feelings. In today’s era, the most success comes to those people who can work with others. Boarding school children become more accustomed to change.

School/Study/Social Life Balance for Children and Parents:
one day the student has the same tiring day

Early wake-up routine, school, return, lunch, extra class, homework, TV, etc. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for kids because we have guests at home or social events to attend.

Marriages, Ceremonies, Parties, Hospitalization, Death etc. Most parents and children find it difficult to balance the demands of good parenting and their own social lives. Boarding schools enable children to be just themselves. However they do not look at the full spectrum of life, for example the death of a relative or grandparent.

Children can be innocent/brutal:
Young boarders are innocent and free of malice. They are quite prone to see and understand things. They may say things that are not politically correct and in some cases quite harmful to their fellow boarders. This can sometimes have a negative effect on children. For example they may comment on caste/gender/colour/economic status without malice but with complete but unacceptable candor.

Boarding schools offer some benefits that day schools cannot.

Exposure limited to TVs/Gadgets:
Almost all boarding schools have strict guidelines for watching TV and using mobiles/gadgets. Boarders are expected to deposit their mobile phones with the parents of the home at the beginning of the term. The use is regulated to call the parents at the appointed time. Any parent/adult today will testify to the negative effects of excessive media viewing and mobile phone use among day school students. Schools that are both boarding and day schools combined suffer from the double whammy and cannot enforce boarding discipline nor ensure the freedom that a scholar enjoys.

Avoid Difficult Homes:
Unfortunately, not every home provides a safe environment for a child to grow up in, whether in terms of quality time spent with parents, screen addiction or the so-so ideal marriage. Although parents are not well behaved, they wish for the best for their child and do not want their personal problems to interfere with their children’s lives. Boarding schools provide a great opportunity for children to put this difficult aspect of their lives behind them. They will have to deal with it when the time comes, but why should they be subjected to difficult questions so early in their lives.

Teamwork and soft-skill development: Peer learning is one of the most striking features of boarding life. Whether it’s academic, social or simply trying to understand growing issues, naive but intense conversations between your home mates are simply irreplaceable. This boarding life inevitably demands teamwork from the students. One may be good at maths but terrible at waking up

Morning. The other may like to drink milk but hate eggs. Such exchanges are common in boarding schools and teach children wonderful life skills. Inter house competitions are a source of joy and pride and the whole house is actively involved in ensuring success. children in other schools

different parts of the country/other countries. This intercultural exchange is priceless

Diet: Mess stories are an important part of a boarder’s life when they grow up. Boarding schools keep their students busy throughout the day in studies, sports, drama, debates etc. Thus small, growing children eat whatever is served to them. An appreciation of different types of food and a non-judgmental attitude towards food makes boarders very discerning adults.

pollution free life
Today most of the cities in India are facing severe water, noise and air pollution. The ill effects of pollution can be seen in increasing levels of disease, irritability, mental illnesses and increased tendency to violence. Boarding school life protects children from the pollution to which scholars are exposed for most of the day.

lifetime bond:
In a boarding school a child grows up with other students of similar age and background. As one lives and grows up with other students, he or she forms bonds, friendships and memories of a lifetime. Thus you will see that the more often the classmates of the boarding schools meet, the more meaningful the meeting takes place. Boarding schools have a very strong alumni network. It helps in looking for employment, business or just social opportunities later in life.

written by
Pankaj Sudan

President and Founder of Change Makers Society


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