Parag Agarwal is the new CEO of Twitter: Youngest CEO of top 500 companies, Founder Jack Dorsey said – I have deep faith in Parag

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  • Jack Dorsey Parag Agarwal | Twitter CEO | Who is Parag Agarwal? Jack Dorsey steps down as CEO of Twitter

New Delhi7 hours ago

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has resigned as the company’s CEO. In his place, Parag Agarwal will be the new CEO of the company. Till now he was in the position of Chief Technology Officer in the company. He joined the company 10 years ago. 37-year-old Parag has called it an honor.

Youngest CEO of top 500 companies
37-year-old Parag has now become the youngest CEO of the world’s top 500 companies. Twitter has not revealed his date of birth, but has stated that he was born in 1984. His birthday comes only after May 14, the birthday of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Studied at IIT Bombay, Parag Agarwal also holds a doctorate from Stanford University. In 2018, Twitter appointed him as Chief Technology Officer, replacing Adam Messier. Prior to Twitter, Parag worked with Microsoft Research and Yahoo.

Jack wrote the last letter to the Twitter staff
Twitter founder Jack Dorsey wrote in his last letter to Twitter staff, ‘I have decided to leave Twitter because I believe that the company is now ready to separate from its founders. As Twitter CEO, I have a deep trust in Parag. His work in the last 10 years has been change-making. He works with his skill, heart and soul, for which I am deeply thankful to him. Now it’s his time to lead Twitter.

Read Jack Dorsey’s letter:

Parag has been behind every important decision that has transformed Twitter Hello Team, after nearly 16 years of role at our company… from co-founder to CEO, then to chairman, executive chairman and then interim-CEO To the CEO… I decided it was time for me to leave. Why? There is much talk about the importance of a “founder-led” company. Ultimately I believe it is severely limited and a single point of failure. I have worked hard to make sure this company can stand out from its founders. There are 3 reasons I think now is the right time. First, Parag is becoming our CEO. The board, after considering all the options, followed a rigorous process and unanimously appointed Parag. They have been my favorite for some time. They deeply understand the company and its needs. Parag has been behind every important decision that has helped turn this company around. Second, Brett Taylor agrees to be our board chairman. Third, you are all. We have a lot of ambition and potential in this team. Consider this: Parag started here as an engineer who cared deeply about our work and is now our CEO (I had the same path…he did it better!). . This alone makes me proud. Tomorrow at 9:05 am there will be a meeting in the Pacific Ocean. Until then, thank you all for the trust you have placed in me, and for the openness to build that trust in Parag and yourself.


After Google, Microsoft, now Twitter also has Indian-origin CEOs
Many big companies in the world have CEOs of Indian origin. After Satya Nadella in Microsoft, Sundar Pichai in Google’s parent company Alphabet, Shantanu Narayan in Adobe, Arvind Krishna at IBM, Raghu Raghuram in VMWare, Parag Agarwal has now become CEO of Twitter.

Twitter was founded in 2006
Dorsey, along with three of his teammates, founded Twitter in San Francisco on March 21, 2006. After this he became one of the biggest technology entrepreneurs. The company’s stock prices soared up to 10% after news broke that Dorsey was stepping down.

Dorsey is also said to be a top executive at a financial payments company Square. He was the one who founded it. Some of the company’s big investors were openly questioning whether he could effectively lead both the companies. However, Jack will remain on the company’s board till 2022.

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