Pakistan blames India for Balochistan unrest

India, New Delhi, Indian government, Islamabad, Pakistan, China pakistan economic corrior, CPEC
Image Source : ANI (FILE)

Pakistan blames India for Balochistan unrest


  • Pak Foreign Office said there was strong evidence that India was involved in unrest in Balochistan
  • Islamabad blamed New Delhi for its ‘sinister campaign’ to sabotage CPEC

In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, Pakistan which is widely acknowledged as a terror sponsor is blaming India for the unrest in Balochistan. The Pakistan Foreign Office made it clear that there was strong evidence that India was involved in unrest in Balochistan, The News reported.

Islamabad blamed New Delhi for its ‘sinister campaign’ to sabotage CPEC and also rejected the “unwarranted” and “preposterous” remarks it made on the Pakistan-China Joint statement of February 6, the report said.

“Pakistan categorically rejects the unwarranted and preposterous comments made by the spokesperson of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs on the Pakistan-China Joint Statement of 6 February 2022, and we also strongly reject India’s persistent propaganda against China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Pakistan has shared irrefutable evidence of India’s sinister campaign to sabotage CPEC through its dossiers released in 2020 and 2021,” said the Foreign Office.

“We expect the parties concerned not to interfere in matters that are internal affairs of India,” the MEA had said. The Pakistan Foreign Office reminded India that there is strong evidence of Indian involvement in recent sinister attempts to stir up unrest in Balochistan by supporting anti-state elements, the report said.

“Besides, Naval Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav is a living and irrefutable proof of how India has been seeking to sponsor and patronize subversive activities in Pakistan and the region,” said the Foreign Office, as per the report.

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