Pakistan: 8-year-old Hindu boy charged with blasphemy, likely death sentence

Hindu boy in blasphemy, Pakistan, Pakistan
Image Source: PTI/File Image

The allegations of blasphemy filed against a child have shocked legal experts, who say the move is unprecedented. This young man has never been accused of blasphemy in Pakistan before.

An eight-year-old Hindu boy in Pakistan is the youngest person to be charged with blasphemy in the country after he was charged with intentionally urinating on a carpet in the library of a madrasa where religious books were kept. He is now being kept in protective police custody.

The boy’s family is in hiding and several Hindu communities have fled their homes in the conservative district of Rahim Yar Khan in Punjab province after a Muslim mob attacked a Hindu temple after the boy was released on bail, reports Guardian News. was attacked. week. Troops were deployed in the area to quell any further unrest.

On 7 August, 20 people were arrested in connection with the temple attack. The Guardian reports that blasphemy charges could carry the death penalty.

Speaking from an undisclosed location, a member of the boy’s family told the Guardian: “He (the boy) is not aware of such blasphemy issues and is falsely involved in these matters. He still doesn’t understand his crime.” What was it. And why was he kept in jail for a week.

“We have given up our shops and work, the entire community is scared and we fear a reaction. We do not want to return to this area. We do not think that any concrete and meaningful action has been taken against the culprits or for their safety. Minorities living here.”

The allegations of blasphemy filed against a child have shocked legal experts, who say the move is unprecedented. This young man has never been accused of blasphemy in Pakistan before.

The Guardian reports that blasphemy laws have been used disproportionately in the past against religious minorities in Pakistan.

Although there have been no blasphemy executions in the country since the death penalty for the crime was implemented in 1986, suspects are often attacked and sometimes killed by mobs.

Ramesh Kumar, an MP and head of the Pakistan Hindu Parishad, said: “The attack on the temple and the allegations of blasphemy against an eight-year-old minor boy have really shocked me. More than a hundred houses belonging to the Hindu community have been evacuated. out of fear.”

Human rights activist Kapil Dev said: “I demand that the charges against the boy be dropped immediately, and urge the government to provide protection to the family and those forced to flee.

“The attacks on Hindu temples have increased in the last few years reflecting rising levels of extremism and bigotry. The recent attacks appear to be a new wave of persecution of Hindus.”

Ahmed Nawaz, a spokesman for the Rahim Yar Khan District Police, said: “Police are searching for the attackers and police teams are conducting raids to nab the perpetrators but no arrests have been made so far.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the mob attack on Twitter and said he has ordered the provincial police chief to take action against anyone involved, including negligent police officers. He promised that the government would renovate the temple.

In New Delhi, India’s foreign ministry summoned a Pakistani diplomat to protest the attack and demanded the protection of Hindu families living in the Muslim-majority country.

According to the report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom published last year, Pakistan reported the highest number of incidents of mob activity, mob violence, and/or threats of mob violence as a result of alleged blasphemous acts.

Between 2014 and 2018 the four countries accounted for nearly 80 percent of all reported incidents of mob activity, mob violence, and/or threats of mob violence as a result of alleged blasphemy acts in countries with criminal blasphemy laws.

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