OTT platform brought opportunities for talented directors: Navjyot Bandivadekar

New Delhi: How many of you watch movies based on who directed them? Well, based on the facts, most people watch the movie because it has actors! We often forget that directors are an integral part of cinema and they mold it. Sharing the same views, filmmaker Navjyot Bandivadekar discusses how directors are influencing the current pattern of the entertainment industry.

Navjyot says, “Directors are at the forefront of the creative front of films. They conceive the scripts before they go on the screen. Lately, the quality of films has become commendable. The range of web series and types of OTT films released. Hui brings more relatable stories that attract a larger number of people. A lot of credit goes to the directors, as they are the ones who conceived the story.”

This skilled filmmaker has already given years to cinema and is still a part of it. Navjyot Bandivadekar watches the transition of films, having lived amongst the silver screen for over a decade. He believes that the OTT platform has brought an opportunity for unaccredited directors who are extremely talented. It’s true, isn’t it?

Navjyot Bandivadekar further adds, “Directors are playing a major role in shaping current cinema, especially one that operates on online platforms. These budding directors are telling stories in a way like never before. And Our love for OTT web series and movies is valid. This.”

We hardly recognize directors unless it is someone who has a very popular name. But we often forget that directors are the people who influence the movies a lot. And after all these thoughts have been sung by Navjyot Bandivadekar, it would not be wrong to say that filmmakers take our mind towards films.

Talking about Navjyot’s stellar profile, we know that he is currently working on a rom-com film which he will announce sometime soon. Apart from this, Navjyot Bandivadekar has many other projects which are on the horizon which are going to be extremely exciting.

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