Onus on Pakistan to Create Conducive Environment for Resumption of Bilateral Ties: MEA

A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan stands guard at the international border with Pakistan at Suchetgarh near Jammu (Image: Reuters/Representational)

A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan stands guard at the international border with Pakistan at Suchetgarh near Jammu (Image: Reuters/Representational)

In the annual report for 2022 released by the Ministry of External Affairs, India said that Pakistan continues to support terrorists operating from its soil, due to which relations remain strained.

India said it wanted normal neighborly relations with Pakistan and believed that issues between the two countries should be resolved bilaterally and peacefully in an atmosphere free of terror and violence.

India reiterated its stand in the 2022 annual report released by the Ministry of External Affairs and said that the responsibility of creating such a conducive environment rests with Pakistan.

In the report, the government criticized state-sponsored support for terrorists and said they seek to destabilize the region’s normal business activity, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges.

India criticized its neighbor for engaging in hostile and fabricated propaganda to defame India and use it as a tool to divert global attention from internal issues affecting Pakistan. It highlighted that Pakistan thrives on false propaganda even as it suffers from political and economic issues.

“Pakistan engages in hostile and fabricated propaganda to malign India and divert attention from its own domestic political and economic failures. The annual report states that India completely and unequivocally rejects all actions and statements of Pakistan on matters which are entirely internal to India.

The annual report also highlights that there is a greater understanding among countries that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and matters related to it are internal to India.

The report also criticized Islamabad for not honoring its January 2004 commitment, where it pledged not to allow terrorism against India on its soil or territory under its control.

“Despite India’s continued insistence that Pakistan honors its January 2004 commitment not to allow its soil or territory to be used for terrorism against India, India continues to grow in cross-border terrorism, infiltration and illegal arms smuggling There was no shortage. across the LoC and the international border,” the report said.

Pakistan was urged to show sincerity in providing justice to the families of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

The report reiterated that New Delhi has consistently stressed the need for Islamabad to take “credible, irreversible and verifiable action to end cross-border terrorism”.

“India consistently raises the issue of Pakistan’s continued support to cross-border terrorism and terrorist infiltration in bilateral, regional and multilateral fora. Credible information about the Pakistani origin of the apprehended terrorists is also shared in such contacts.

The report also outlined the steps taken by India to secure early consular access, release and repatriation of Indian nationals in Pakistani custody.

(With inputs from Shalinder Vangu)

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