OnePlus, Oppo to launch unified OxygenOS – ColorOS system in 2022; No OnePlus 9T this year

In June this year, oneplus announced that it is formally merging Opposition To be your own sub-brand. Now, the company has decided to merge its operating systems OxygenOS And ColorOS in a new integrated system. OnePlus co-founder and CEO Pete Lau announced the development in a post on the official OnePlus Community Forum. The new operating system will be part of the next OnePlus flagship series (which could be called the OnePlus 10 series), which is slated for 2022. Separately, in a media interaction, Lau also confirmed that OnePlus will not bring the OnePlus 9T as its new one. “T” series smartphone. In his post announcing the OxygenOS and ColorOS merger, Lau said that the new operating system will retain the DNA of OxygenOS and offer users an enhanced overall experience.

Lau said the OxygenOS and ColorOS teams working on the new integrated system will be led by OxygenOS head Gary C. “By combining our software resources to focus on a unified and advanced operating system for both OnePlus and Oppo devices globally, we will combine the strengths of both into one more powerful OS: the fast and smooth, burdenless experience of OxygenOS. , and the stability and rich features of ColorOS,” Post, the title reads “OnePlus 2.0 – The Next Step in Our Journey”.

Lau said that the teams of OnePlus and Oppo are working to launch the new integrated operating system with the next major Android update in 2022. While it is not known whether all devices may get the new Android skin, Lau mentioned that the next generation of OnePlus flagship smartphones will get the new OS.

In his post, the OnePlus CEO also revealed what the company is working on in the hardware department. He added that OnePlus is “doubling down” on its commitment to improving the camera on OnePlus smartphones. He talked about improving the user experience and color performance with Haasblad with optimized sensors and lenses.

In a roundtable interview with The Verge, Lau had said that there will be no OnePlus 9T this year. Now, while there have been reports of OnePlus 9R T or OnePlus 9T, there have also been reports of “T” series smartphones not coming from OnePlus this year.

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