On the day of the swing ‘friends’ beat up the young man and left the dead body in front of the house.

Two youths are accused of beating up their friend on the day of the swing and leaving the dead body in front of the house. The incident is from Chandur area of ​​Tarakeswar in Hooghly. The relatives of the deceased Shankha Ghosh (22) have accused their friends of murder. Police recovered the body and started investigation.

According to family members, Shankh of calm nature went to work in the field in the morning. From there he goes to play with his friends. But when the time came, the boy did not return home, which increased his anxiety. The family claimed that even after phone calls, there was no success. After that, at around 3 pm, Hela came on a bike and ran away leaving the bodies of two young Shankars in front of the house.

The local doctor was informed. They came and declared the young man dead. The relatives took the body to Tarakeswar Rural Hospital. The police took the dead body there. He then sent the body to Arambagh Hospital for post-mortem.

According to preliminary investigation, the youth died due to beating. Several injury marks were found on the body of the youth. Police are scanning the CCTV footage to find out who killed the youth.