On Hyundai’s fault. Korea apologizes: Korean Foreign Minister called Jaishankar and expressed regret, the company had made a controversial post on Kashmir

New Delhi33 minutes ago

South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Yue-yong has apologized to India over the phone on Tuesday over the social media post of South Korean company Hyundai on Kashmir. The Ministry of External Affairs has given this information. On the other hand, India’s ambassador to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, has also sought clarification from Hyundai Headquarters in this matter.

Meanwhile, the controversy has become even bigger now. It is now joined by KFC, DOMINOS, Pizza Hut, Osaka Battery, Isuzu D-Max, Bosch Pharmaceuticals, Atlas Honda Limited and Kia Motors. Posts made on Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5 from the Pakistani social media handles of all these companies are also going viral on social media. After this the demand for their boycott has started. These companies have also started apologizing now.

What is the whole matter?
Hyundai Pakistan had tweeted a ‘no-Pakistan’ on the alleged ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ being celebrated by Pakistan on February 5. Pakistan was supported in this tweet. In the tweet, the terrorist violence in Kashmir was described as a fight for freedom. After this tweet, social media users trolled Hyundai Motors fiercely. After this the controversial tweet was immediately taken down, but its screen shots are still going viral on social media.

The Ministry of External Affairs gave information about apologizing
External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said that soon after receiving information about Hyundai Pakistan’s post on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day, our Ambassador in Seoul contacted Hyundai Headquarters and sought clarification on the subject. Bagchi said that the post was taken down shortly after, but by then it had gone viral on social media.

He said, the Korean Ambassador was summoned by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs on 7 February on this issue. He was informed of India’s strong displeasure on Hyundai Pakistan’s social media post. Along with this, the company was asked to take strict action on this issue, so that it can become an example.

After this, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea Chung Yue-yong called Foreign Minister Jaishankar this morning, Bagchi said. During this, many important issues were discussed between the two. During this conversation, the Korean Foreign Minister said that we are sorry for the post made by the Pakistan unit of the company and we are sorry that the sentiments of the people were hurt.

Hyundai India also apologized
Earlier, the India unit of Hyundai Motors had also issued a statement expressing grief over the matter and apologised. The company clearly stated that it does not comment on political or religious issues. Explain that India invests in foreign companies in various sectors. It also expects the companies or their affiliates to refrain from making false and misleading comments on matters of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Apologies have also been issued on behalf of KFC and DOMINOS.
Among the tweeting companies, after Hyundai, other companies have also started apologizing. First KFC and now DOMINOS have apologized by posting on social media. KFC wrote- We apologize for the posts made from some social media channels of KFC outside the country. We respect India and proudly stand by our commitment to serve all Indians.

Dominos wrote – This (India) is the country which we have been considering as our second home for 25 years and we have always stood to protect its heritage. We respect what this country has given us.

Dominos has 1,313 outlets in India.

Kashmiris have rejected Pakistani agenda
Pakistan is constantly trying to spread propaganda about Kashmir, but along with the world, common Kashmiris are not supporting it. On February 5, when Pakistan was celebrating Kashmir Solidarity Day, the Kashmiri youth wrote on social media – Dear world, we Kashmiris are happy with our country India, but Pakistan and some Pakistani puppets are not happy with our happiness.

Imran has also knocked on the doorstep of China

Imran had reached Beijing to attend the Opening Ceremony of Winter Olympics.  Here too, he sang Kashmir raga in front of China.

Imran had reached Beijing to attend the Opening Ceremony of Winter Olympics. Here too, he sang Kashmir raga in front of China.

Pakistan had also knocked on China’s doorstep with a nefarious plan for Kashmir, but here too it got only one statement and assurance. Pak PM Imran Khan had also raised the Kashmir issue with Chinese President Xi Jinping. On which it was said by China that the Kashmir issue is the remaining dispute of history, which should be resolved peacefully on the basis of UN Charter, Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements.

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