Omicron Version: Is Genome Sequencing Expensive? read here

omicron covid edition
Image Source: PTI

Omicron Version: Is Genome Sequencing Expensive? read here


  • In the process of genome sequencing Rs 12000-15000 is spent on a sample.
  • Genome sequencing is used to detect the presence of the new Omicron COVID-19 variant in the body.
  • This is usually done only after 96 samples have been collected.

Genome sequencing is the only way that can detect the presence of the new Omicron COVID-19 variant in the body. However, it is not as cheap as it is effective. During a visit to the Genome Lab of the Department of Microbiology at IGIMS Hospital, Patna, the India TV correspondent tried to understand the whole process and the cost of genome sequencing. Dr Namrata Kumari, HOD, Department of Microbiology, said that 96 samples can be processed in this genome sequencing machine at a time and its cost is about 12 to 15 lakh rupees.

That is, about 12000-15000 rupees are spent on a sample. Although less than 96 samples can be processed in this machine at a time, but the cost is as much as the full 96 samples.

Therefore, given the skyrocketing cost, genome sequencing is typically performed only after 96 samples have been collected. Sometimes for some reason the test has to be repeated.

In this case the cost increases further. Till now the hospital was doing sample sequencing to identify the variant at its own expense, but due to the high expenditure, budget problems arose. Therefore, IGIMS Hospital has now written a letter to the state government demanding a separate budget for sequencing.

genome sequencing machine

The machine used to do genome sequencing is also very expensive, costing Rs. 1.5 crores. Apart from this, there are also some auxiliary machines which are used in the process of identifying the type of virus.

Before sequencing, other steps are performed such as DNA extraction, converting from RNA to DNA, segmentation of the genome and preparation of libraries.

There are separate machines for all the processes. It takes about 10 days to get the report.

How is Omicron different from the Delta version?

Senior Scientist Dr. Abhay Kumar told India TV that genome sequencing has revealed that unlike the delta variant, the Omicron variant shows many mutations in its spike protein.

Another thing is that all viruses like alpha, beta, gamma and delta are derived from the classic covid-19 virus i.e. virus originating in Wuhan only after mutation. Omicron is the fifth type of this virus.

Read also: 10 new cases of omicron reported in Maharashtra, many more suspects

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