Omicron variant spreading faster in UK than in South Africa: Experts

Omicron Variants: The United Kingdom’s top epidemiologist John Edmonds has indicated that the Omicron version could push the number of new COVID-19 cases up to 60,000 per day. “After discussions at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine event organized by the Royal Society of Medicine indicated on Thursday that the number of confirmed cases could increase in the coming days,” Edmonds said in a discussion with The Guardian.

Resistance to vaccines has caused the Omicron variant to spread rapidly to other countries. It is comparatively more permeable than other types of COVID-19. However, preliminary laboratory results by scientists indicate that immunity to existing vaccines will not be completely eliminated on this variant.

On the other hand, doctors in South Africa reported that positive cases of the Omicron variant showed only mild symptoms. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) expert panel said more data would be needed before their scientists could make any comment about the Omicron variant.

The UK’s Health Protection Agency (NHS) has said it expects at least half of COVID-19 cases to be of the omicron type in the next few weeks. If we look at the cases reported in the last two weeks and their growth rate, then these cases are likely to double in the next 4 weeks. In view of the increasing cases of Kovid, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tightened restrictions and appealed to people to work from home as much as possible.

Edmunds called the Omicron version highly dangerous and urged the UK public to get their COVID-19 booster shots as soon as possible.

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