Omicron scare | Big Holiday Gatherings Not Safe Even When Vaccinated And Boosted: Anthony Fauci

New Delhi: With a rise in COVID-19 cases, and the rapidly spreading Omicron version adding to concerns, people in the United States have been advised to reconsider travel and large gatherings for Christmas and the New Year.

At a White House briefing on Wednesday, top infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said people can spend the Christmas holidays with family, but it also won’t be safe for those who are vaccinated and promoted against COVID-19 at large gatherings. give, Reuters reported.

“There’s a lot of these parties that have 30, 40, 50 people in which you don’t know the vaccination status of individuals. In terms of Omicron those are the kinds of actions you don’t want to go into,” Fauci was quoted as saying.

Citing studies from South Africa and Scotland, he said early evidence indicates Omicron may be less severe than the delta variant, but added that people should still be cautious.

“…we should wait to see what happens in our own population, which has its own demographic considerations,” Fauci said.

Read also | PM Modi to chair a review meeting on the situation of Kovid in the country amid rising Omicron cases

represents the omicron 73% of covid cases in the US

Citing Rochelle Valensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Reuters report said the seven-day average of Covid-19 cases rose 25 percent to about 149,300 cases per day, while the average daily death toll (1,200) but) increased by 3.5%. since last week.

Valensky said Omicron currently accounts for about 73 percent of all COVID-19 cases nationwide. Sometimes it is up to 90 percent.

He said that in this increase omicron The ratio was “approximate”, and they were preparing to deal with it.

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