Omicron positive doctor in Karnataka tests Covid again in 14 days quarantine

omicron positive doctor tests covid again
Image Source : PTI/Representational

Omicron positive doctor in Karnataka tests Covid again in 14 days quarantine

Sources in the Karnataka health department said a 46-year-old doctor, who tested positive for the Omicron variant, has tested positive for Covid-19 in the RT-PCR test, even as the quarantine period completed 14 days. even after doing it.

The hospital authorities were also ready to discharge him as the doctors have fully recovered from all the symptoms and are doing well. The result has surprised the doctors.

He will now remain in a quarantine facility at the hospital. However, three of his contacts, who have tested positive, have now tested negative. However, until their genomic sequencing reports come, they will be kept in the hospital.

If their genomic sequencing shows no presence of the Omicron variant and they test negative in the RT-PCR test conducted on Tuesday, they will be discharged.

Tests showed that there was a drastic reduction in viral load in omicron-positive doctors.

On November 22, the doctor’s swab sample was sent to NCBS. After tracing the Omicron variant, its 13 primary contacts and 205 secondary contacts were tracked.

Three primary contacts and two secondary contacts have tested positive for COVID-19. They have been isolated and their samples have been sent for further genomic sequencing to confirm the presence of Omicron virus and the results are awaited.

Read also: Omicron Scare: UP govt to conduct RT-PCR test of all passengers arriving in the state

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