Omicron: Covid-19: Delta variant could also be driving wave, say experts Bengaluru News – Times of India

Bengaluru: While omicron The variant has taken center stage in third wave-related discussions, with experts fearing that both Omicron and delta Variants contributing to the increase. During a panel discussion titled ‘Variants, Vaccines and Us’ held on Thursday, experts and clinicians debated the possibility of co-circulation of both Delta and Omicron, which would mean that not all infections will be mild.
“I highly doubt that Omicron will replace the delta variant. We can both co-communicate,” said virologist Dr. T. Jacob. john, Former Director, Center of Advanced Research in Virology, ICMR. He said the next two months will be crucial in understanding how the pandemic unfolds. Dr V Ramasubramaniam, Infectious Disease Specialist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, said that the ‘sex experience, fever, cold, sore throatSore throat and difficulty swallowing are symptoms of the virus in most people.
“Patients ask for antibiotics for sore throat, and I think we can use more antibiotics now than before. Dr. Ramasubramaniam, recalling the clinical experience during the second wave, said that in the current wave, the infection is largely confined to the upper respiratory tract and does not affect the lungs in most patients.” Although Omicron The chances of viral pneumonia with pneumonia are low, CT scan reports tell us that 20-30% of the lungs may be involved in many cases. But these are mild, and the patients recover,” he said.
He said that if RT-PCR testing of a patient with an S-gene target failure test reveals that it is not an oomicron, it prompts clinicians to use monoclonal antibodies, which have been shown to be effective against the delta variant. , They said. Virologist Dr V Ravi said the Omicron variant itself is evolving and subspecies have emerged.
“More than 20% of Omicron cases may miss an S-gene target failure test. But they can become Omicron in genomic sequencing studies. Therefore, we need test kits that detect the S-gene drop and specific mutations in the Omicron variant.” You can find out. Omisure is one such kit,” he said. Dr. John said: “If not for Omicron, we could be in an endemic phase in India. Omicron appears to be an anomaly. The frequency of anomalies is very rare. The faster the infection spreads, the less it is. Will happen. ”
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Dr John stressed on the need to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine for children. “Children should be vaccinated against SARS-CoV2. Extremely safe vaccines need to be rolled out,” he said, adding that children above two years of age should be included in the vaccination process at the earliest.
