Omar Abdullah: If Name Change Linked To Our Alliance, We Will Rename it But…

The G20 dinner invite at Rashtrapati Bhawan has sparked a new row over the nation’s name. The invite sent to Draupadi Murmu says “President of Bharat”, a picture of which is floating all over the internet.

Political parties and citizens are speculating if it is due to the name of the new alliance of a dozen political parties i.e. I.N.D.I.A. Many think that after the discourse of the One Nation One Election is over following the committee’s recommendation, the NDA government might buckle up its shoes for the change in the nation’s name to Bharat. Notably, both India and Bharat are registered names of this nation in the constitution. It says, “India, that is Bharat…”

Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President and former CM of the (former) state Omar Abdullah has raised his concern over the name of the country. He said that the government may use the name Bharat as it is also a registered name but should not remove the other name i.e. India as there are several old institutions in this name.

“ How many names will you change? Will you change the names of the State Bank of India, IIT, and IIM? If you will see the plane of the Prime minister in which he went to Indonesia, you will find both the names written on it,” Omar said.

Omar stressed that the central government should not change India to Bharat just because an alliance has been made in this name.  “If the move is linked to the Opposition alliance I.N.D.I.A, then we will change our name. We don’t want to increase the country’s expenditure; we are here to reduce it”, he added.

Over the Nation One Election proposal, the NC leader stated that a five-day special session of parliament might have a discussion on it. “We have no issues with it as long as it is not used as a weapon against regional parties. If they intend to erase regional political parties then we will resist the move.”