Olive to Brahmi: 6 best Ayurvedic massage oils for your baby

Ayurvedic massage oils for your baby
Image Source : FREEPIK Best Ayurvedic massage oils for your baby.

For decades, grandmothers and mothers have been using various types of Ayurvedic products for the well-being of their children. Ayurveda is an ancient practice which is deeply rooted in the wisdom of nature. Just like comforting lullaby whispers, an ayurvedic massage can be beneficial for newborn babies. It helps them relax their nerves, strengthen their muscles and have a good night’s sleep. In this article, we will talk about Ayurvedic massage oils mentioned by Riddhi Sharma, Founder and CEO of BabyOrgano which are right for your baby.

Pure Coconut Oil

Massaging your newborn with coconut oil benefits both the skin and the soul. Massaging it on the scalp offers better hair growth in babies. It contains lauric acid and capric acid which improves hair quality and promotes smooth and silky hair growth. Researchers say that massaging babies with coconut oil prevents inflammation before the surface of the skin. 

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great option to use to massage your newborn. It contains Vitamin E and antioxidants which help your baby’s skin from itchiness. The antibacterial properties in olive oil help control bacteria on the skin. What makes this an ideal choice for babies is that it is well tolerated by every type of skin. Additionally, olive oil can also be used as a natural cleanser for removing dirt from the skin. 

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is considered to be one of the best baby massage oils. The oil plays an important role in nourishing and soothing your kid’s scalp. This chemical-free oil balances Vata doshaIt makes the skin soft and supple. Further, its calming properties work as a coolant and help in reducing hyperactiveness. 

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil is derived from wheat seed, and it delivers a rich blend of iron, vitamins, calcium and minerals which helps nourish the delicate skin of the baby. This particular oil serves as a facial cleanser which is known to remove impurities and excess oils from the baby’s skin while simultaneously providing essential nutrients.  


It is a type of Ayurvedic oil which a mother or grandmother can use to massage the scalp of their newborn, it is known to help in having a strong memory. Brahmi oil has various nutrients such as Vitamin C, flavonoids, etc. It is additionally rich in antioxidants which promotes healthy hair in your children.


It is an effective ayurvedic oil and skin detoxifier that prevents allergic reactions like rashes, scars, and allergies. It is popularly known to be a rejuvenating skin care herb in Ayurveda and has been used for years in skin lightening. It is used to balance out the skin tone and lighten dark spots.  

Benefits of Using Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil

It is believed that regularly massaging newborn babies creates a unique and strong bond between the child and the mother, this process of massaging the babies is popularly known as Abhyanga. But the benefits do not stop, here are some more benefits of using ayurvedic baby massage oil:

  • Massaging newborns regularly helps them have a sound and quality sleep.
  • Regularly messaging your newborn baby can help them gain a healthy weight and also help in their overall well-being.
  • Lastly, it acts as an immunity protector for the baby which helps them fight any common infections.

These are some of the ayurvedic massage oils that mothers or grandmothers can use to massage their newborns.

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