Oily T-zone? Here Are 6 Ideas To Combat Oily Skin And Prevent Acne Breakout

Last Update: March 01, 2023, 07:30 AM IST

Make sure cleansing is a regular part of your routine if you have an oily T-zone.  (Image: shutterstock)

Make sure cleansing is a regular part of your routine if you have an oily T-zone. (Image: shutterstock)

If you are looking for alternatives to treat oily T-zone, we have got a list of tips prepared for you and you are going to love them-

There are thousands of sebaceous glands in your skin. These glands produce sebum, or oil, that helps protect and hydrate your skin. But sometimes your glands can produce an excessive amount of oil. It can make your skin shiny or make it more acne-prone.

If you have an oily T-zone—the part of the face that includes the forehead, nose, and chin and forms the shape of the letter ‘T’—then you’re not alone. This area is more susceptible to greasiness and acne.

To manage it do the following:-

wash your face

Make sure cleansing is a regular part of your routine if you have an oily T-zone. Wash your face at least twice a day, to remove impurities that have accumulated during the day and to prevent excess oil from clogging your skin.

use a cleanser

You should use a cleanser specifically made for oily skin for your T-zone. Stay away from cream cleansers and use oil-free foam or gel cleansers.

Opt for Powder Sunscreen

To combat the shine on your face, you can switch from a liquid or spray-based sunblock to a powder formula. Powdered sunscreen may not provide enough protection against UV rays, so you may want to consider applying a sunblock cream and applying it with powder over your entire face, not just your T-zone.

use blotting paper

Blotting papers are absorbent in nature and can remove excess oil build-up from your face. Just press it against the area and done. Avoid rubbing or spreading the paper to prevent the sebum from spreading to other parts of the face.

use baking soda

Baking soda can come to the rescue of your oily T-zone. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and water and apply it on your face like a mask. Scrub it gently and leave it for a few minutes. Wash your face after a few minutes and you will notice less oil production and softer blackheads.

DIY Face Mask

Save some money and prepare a DIY face mask to combat the problem of oily skin. Just take 1/4 cup of curd and add 1/4 cup of mashed strawberries and one tablespoon of honey. Apply it evenly on your face and neck and wash off after 10 minutes. It will have a soothing effect on your skin and tighten the pores.

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