Odisha: Experts sound alarm over antibiotic misuse, overuse Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

BHUBANESWAR: Experts on Saturday expressed concern over antibiotic misuse and overuse while attending the National Conference on Pediatric Infectious Diseases (NCPID)-2021. He appealed to the people to consult a doctor before taking any medicine instead of self-medication.
Theme of the two day conference organized by Indian Association of Pediatrics (IAP) Odisha wasantibiotic steward: need of the hour’. Pediatricians stressed on creating awareness about the misuse and overuse of antibiotics.
Nilamadhab Jena, president of IAP OdishaSaid that it has been observed that many people buy antibiotics for themselves and even for their children from drug stores without any doctor’s advice. “If the antibiotic purchased by the person is not used properly, it creates the problem of antibiotic resistance,” he said.
He said that no new antibiotic has been developed during the last two decades. “We are using existing antibiotics. Because of antibiotic resistance, the newest drugs sometimes don’t work. After 20 years the situation will get worse. People should stop this kind of drug abuse.”
Other doctors also discussed this topic in detail. Some of them said how the shortage of doctors, especially paediatricians, in rural areas has created an alarming problem. “The quacks are selling antibiotics even for the common cold. People should consult proper doctor for treatment and medicine,” said a pediatrician.
They also discussed early diagnosis and intervention. More than 250 pediatricians from different parts of the country participated in the conference which will continue on Sunday.
