OBC quota issue: Mahasabha passes resolution seeking 2011 census data from Center

The Maharashtra Assembly on Monday passed a resolution urging the Center to provide 2011 Census data to enable the State Backward Classes Commission to prepare an empirical data of the OBC population, so that the number of its members in local bodies. To restore political reservation. The resolution, moved by NCP leader and state Food and Civil Supplies Minister Chhagan Bhujbal, was passed by voice vote amid an uproar by members of the opposition BJP.

The House also saw two adjournments on the issue. BJP members came to the well of the House and raised slogans against the state government, as Leader of Opposition Devendra Fadnavis said the motion was “politically motivated and would serve no purpose”. He said the apex court had asked the Backward Classes Commission to conduct an empirical inquiry to ascertain the political backwardness of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs).

The BJP leader accused the state government of not doing anything on the demand of the court. Fadnavis said the 2011 census data had “eight crore mistakes”, while Maharashtra’s (census) data had “69 lakh mistakes”. Hence, it was not given, he said.

To this Bhujbal asked, ‘If there are mistakes in the data, then why was it not corrected and corrected? Why did you sit on the data for six years? If the data is used for central schemes like Ujjwala gas, why is it not being given for OBC (quota issue).” If the 2021 census has not started due to COVID-19, then the state government will take an empirical How can the OBC population start investigation? He asked. When Fadnavis was the chief minister, he wrote to the NITI Aayog on August 1, 2019, demanding census data. “You can ask for words like empirical inquiry or data,” he asked. Why are you playing together? We are taking forward the demand for census data with the Centre. The Supreme Court has asked the State Backward Classes Commission to conduct an empirical inquiry, which can be done only after providing the census data,” he said. When the presiding officer Bhaskar Jadhav proposed the vote, the BJP member Girish Mahajan and Sanjay Kute climbed onto the chair and argued with the Speaker.

Thereafter, the Speaker adjourned the House for 10 minutes. Later, when the House resumed, Sunil Prabhu (Shiv Sena) and Nawab Malik (NCP) alleged that BJP members “misbehaved” with the presiding officer and assaulted him in the Speaker’s chamber.

“Action should be taken against them,” he said. Deputy Speaker Narhari Jirwal then adjourned the House for 15 minutes. Later, speaking to reporters outside the House, Fadnavis said that the BJP members had not misbehaved with the presiding officer. “Since we exposed the lies of the government, some new twist is being given so that the House does not run. Bhujbal has not given factual information in the House. The Central Government has not used census data for its schemes.”

The Supreme Court earlier this year quashed the reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in local bodies observing that the total number of seats earmarked for various communities, including scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, is less than 50 per cent of its total strength. must not exceed. Earlier in the day, Fadnavis said the Supreme Court had asked for an empirical inquiry (in the issue of OBC population) through the State Backward Classes Commission.

“The apex court has not asked for census data. Sankalp is time pass, face saver and confusing, and won’t give anything. But, we will support the proposal as we want to stand with OBCs.”

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