Number of beds should be increased in hospitals, clear guidelines of health department

The state health department has issued guidelines to the hospitals to be prepared in advance to deal with the situation of corona. The number of beds in hospitals has been increased. There has also been talk of increasing the number of safe houses.

Doctors from different hospitals of the state are coming under the grip of corona one after the other. Medical services are being disrupted in the hospital. State Health Secretary Narayan Swaroop Nigam has asked the hospitals to be prepared to deal with any new wave of corona like the second wave. The Health Secretary met officials of various hospitals and health centers in a virtual state.

The Health Secretary directed that the number of beds should be equal to the number of beds available at the time of second wave in various hospitals of the state. The doctors and health workers of the hospital who have been affected by corona have been asked to be kept in isolation inside the hospital. Along with this, doctors of government hospitals have been instructed to cancel their leave. Arrangements have also been made for the corona patients to get enough oxygen and medicine. At the same time, the state health secretary has directed the government to provide information about the condition of corona patients and beds.

Significantly, like the rest of the country, the number of corona cases in the state is also increasing continuously. Doctors fear the situation could get worse. Meanwhile, doctors in different hospitals of the state are coming under the grip of corona one after the other. In such a situation, the administration has taken this step to save the medical service from stalling.
