Novak Djokovic visa dispute: Talks with Australian government have been positive, says Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic

Australian Open 2022: Serbia’s PM Ana Brnabic says the government is doing its best to help Novak Djokovic in the first Grand Slam of the season and Serbs are being served meal-free meals at his quarantine hotel in Melbourne.

Serbian PM vows to help Novak Djokovic in Australia visa battle (Reuters Photo)


  • Novak Djokovic is spending time in Quarantine Hotel
  • He awaits a federal court decision on Monday
  • We have managed to ensure that they are given gluten-free food: Serbia PM

Even as Novak Djokovic awaits a court decision on Monday to revoke his visa, Serbia’s Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said he is in touch with the Australian government to ensure that the world No. 1 should not be deported from the country.

Serbia’s PM said Djokovic is given gluten-free meals at the team hotel and the equipment needed to keep in touch with his family from the quarantine facility in Melbourne.

Djokovic, a vocal opponent of the vaccine mandate, has been held in a Melbourne hotel since Thursday after his visa was revoked due to problems with medical exemptions from vaccinations offered by the organizers of the Australian Open.

“He is staying at the Park Hotel until a final decision is made,” Brnabic said.

“We’ve managed to make sure she’s given a gluten-free diet, as well as exercise equipment, a laptop, and a SIM card so she can stay in touch with her family.”

Djokovic’s lawyers presented statement in court That he was granted medical exemption by Tennis Australia and the Victorian Government because he contracted the Covid in December 2021.

The drama has already become a diplomatic issue, with Serbia accusing Australia of treating 34-year-old Djokovic like a prisoner. It has also become a flashpoint for opponents of vaccine mandates around the world.

Brnabick said he had also spoken with Australian government officials and that the talks had been constructive.

“This is a positive tone from the Australian side. The Serbian government is ready to provide all the guarantees necessary to allow Novak to enter Australia, including the Serbian President (Alexander Vucic),” she said.

‘Novak is already a winner’

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic also voiced her support behind tennis’s world number one.

“Novak is already a winner, it is clear that they will not let him play so that he is unable to become the best tennis player in history,” he told RTS State TV.

“I hope this (Australian) Prime Minister (Scott Morrison) will at some point be in a position to behave like this He is treating others now.”

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