Novak Djokovic in full swing at Australian Open after confirming vaccine demand

Novak Djokovic declined to reveal whether he would defend his Australian Open title, as the tournament’s head of state confirmed on Saturday that only vaccinated players would be able to take part in the season’s first Grand Slam.

The decision, revealed by Craig Tilly, put more pressure on world number one Djokovic, who declined to say whether he has been vaccinated.

“We’ll see, we’ll have to wait and see,” Djokovic told reporters after his ATP Finals semifinal loss against Alexander Zverev.

“I am not talking to them (tournament organisers) to be honest. I was just waiting to see what the news was going to be, now that I know, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

Melbourne, where January’s Grand Slam is held, has spent more than 260 days under lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Victoria state government clarified last month that there would be no concessions for unvaccinated players .

Tilly said the sports group knows he should get the jab to compete at the Australian Open, but he “would love to see Novak here” and try to win a record 21st Grand Slam title at Melbourne Park.

Zverev, who praised Djokovic after a thrilling 7-6 (7/4), 4-6, 6-3 win in Turin, also said he expected his friend Down Under.

“Look, it’s very hard because it is very political,” Zverev said.

“We are visiting another country, it is about the virus that is circulating right, it is not about any tournament or tennis, it is we are visiting another country.

“If the country is allowing us to enter then we need to follow the rules and follow the guidelines. I hope he can play.

“I am number three in the world so if he doesn’t play it is easy to win the tournament but he is also number one in the world so he should be able to play. Hopefully the Australian government will give a waiver.”

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