Noida Gets First 2 Shelter Homes For Stray Dogs, 2 More To Come Up Soon

Noida, March 10 (PTI) The Noida Authority on Friday inaugurated the city’s first two dog shelters where aggressive, sick and injured stray dogs will be kept and the dogs will be provided proper food and care. The officers provided this information.

Noida Authority CEO Ritu Maheshwari inaugurated the facilities which are located in Sectors 50 and 135 and whose operational cost will be borne by local residents’ welfare associations, he said.

A total of four dog shelters are to be built by the Noida Authority in Sectors 34, 50, 93B and 135. At present, the construction of dog shelters in Sector 50 and 135 has been completed and inaugurated. A target has been set to complete the construction of the remaining shelters by March 31. Noida Authority said in a statement.

The shelters have platforms for feeding the dogs, sheds to protect them from rain and sun, and water tubs that will hold clean water, the statement said.
According to the statement, sterilization and vaccination of dogs will also be done at the shelters.

Each shelter can house 15 dogs and will have a caretaker and a para-veterinarian to look after the animals.

“Thus, for the first time, dog shelters are being run by the Noida Authority with the help of RWAs in NCR. In this regard, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has also been signed between the Noida Authority and the local RWAs,” the statement added Went.

(The above article is taken from news agency PTI. has not made any editorial changes in the article. News agency PTI is solely responsible for the content of the article)