Nitish Kumar eyes on young voters, said- ‘Youth are victims of misunderstanding’

New Delhi: The leaders of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal United (JDU) are working to strengthen the organization after it failed to do well in the 2020 Bihar Assembly elections. The party is now trying to woo the young voters. The party believes that they did not get the support of young voters in the last election, due to which they could win only 43 seats. Hence, the party leaders have been trying to woo the young voters since the last election ended.

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is also keeping an eye on young voters. He has been seen talking about young voters several times since the last election. In a program organized on Tuesday regarding this, he said that people are now forgetting the old-fashioned incidents. Therefore, this change should be documented and shared on social media. This is necessary in order to avoid comments that may arise due to misunderstandings and misinformation. We have to save the youth from going on the wrong path. They need to be informed.

Rupee. 10,000 crores spent so far

During the programme, the chief minister also took a dig at the state governments, which used the COVID-19 death compensation as a tool for propaganda. He said that during Kovid-19, Bihar got a lot of help from the central government. The government spent more than Rs. 10,000 crore on this initiative. We work quietly, we don’t preach.

Nitish Kumar said, “We gave a compensation of Rs 4 lakh to the next of kin of each person who died due to COVID-19, but we did not do it to get publicity. Other states are announcing a compensation of Rs 50,000 and then campaigning It is everywhere. Even if a Bihari dies of COVID-19 while being outside Bihar, his kin will be eligible for compensation.”

More than two lakh tests per day

The Chief Minister said, “The cases of Kovid-19 have started increasing again in the countries. Arrangements have been made in all the hospitals to counter the third wave. The administration has been asked to inform the people. We have decided that We’ll get it.” By the end of the year, six crore people had been vaccinated. Also, we aim to conduct more than two lakh tests per day. The campaign to combat COVID-19 must continue. Arrangements have been made to conduct tests in every village and city in the state. Without this massive level of testing, hundreds of people would be affected.


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