Nihang’s confession: Nihang Narayan cut off Lakhbir’s leg with a sword, Sarabjit’s hand; Bhagwant-Govindpreet hanged on the barricade

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  • Nihangs told the judge how Lakhveer Narayan Singh was killed, said- I cut his leg with a sword, then Sarabjit’s hand, Bhagwant Govindpreet helped him hang him on the barricades

sonepatOne hour ago

Three Nihangs, who surrendered on Saturday in connection with the murder of Lakhbir Singh on the Singhu border of Sonepat in Haryana, were presented in the Sonepat court on Sunday. During this Nihang Narayan Singh told the judge how he killed Lakhbir Singh. Narayan Singh told Judge Kimi Singla, ‘I cut Lakhbir’s leg with a sword and Sarabjit’s hand. Bhagwant and Govindpreet helped Lakhbir hang his body on the barricade after he died.

On the occasion of Nihang’s confession, the judge also called two journalists inside the court room to report on the hearing. So far 4 Nihangs have surrendered to the police in the Lakhbir murder case that took place on Friday morning. Of these, Narayan Singh, Bhagwant Singh and Govindpreet surrendered on Saturday, while Sarabjit Singh surrendered on Friday itself.

After the court appearance, the police went with the three Nihangs.

After the court appearance, the police went with the three Nihangs.

Nihang Narayan Singh, Bhagwant Singh and Govindpreet were produced by the police in the court of Duty Magistrate Kimi Singla at 2.40 pm on Sunday. During this, tight security arrangements were made in the court premises. When the hearing started at 2.45 in the courtroom, the police sought 14-day remand of the three accused.

The police argued that the sword used in the murder is to be recovered from the accused. The blood-stained clothes have not been recovered yet. The trio is also to be taken to many places outside Haryana, so that their other accomplices involved in the murder can be identified and arrested. The incident-e-incident has also to be identified. It is also yet to be ascertained who destroyed the evidence from the spot.

Narayan Singh confessed to the crime, Bhagwant-Govindpreet remained silent
When the police was seeking the remand of the Nihangs, Narayan Singh, who was produced in the courtroom, confessed his crime in front of Judge Kimi Singla. Narayan Singh told the judge, ‘All those involved in the murder have surrendered. Lakhbir insulted and disrespected the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. On this I cut off his leg with the sword. Sarabjit cut his arm. Bhagwant Singh and Govindpreet, who were present there, helped to hang Lakhbir on the barricade. When Nihang Narayan Singh was telling all this to the judge, Bhagwant Singh and Govindpreet stood silently in the court.

The three Nihangs who surrendered on Saturday were presented in the Sonepat court on Sunday.

The three Nihangs who surrendered on Saturday were presented in the Sonepat court on Sunday.

No one else was involved in the incident except the four of us.
Nihang Narayan Singh, confessing the crime before the judge, claimed that only he, Sarabjit, Bhagwant Singh and Govindpreet were involved in the incident. Apart from the four of them, no one else was involved in this murder. The court took a break of 15 minutes at 3.10 pm to hear both the sides and decide on the remand after Narayan Singh’s confession. During the break, Govindpreet asked the police for water. On this a jawan was sent to get a bottle of water from the police car.

6 days remand approved, police will conduct daily medical
The court sat again at 3.25 pm and sent the three accused on 6-day police remand. Now these three will be presented in the court along with the fourth accused Sarabjit Singh on October 22. The court, like Sarabjit Singh, ordered the three accused to undergo daily medical treatment, talk to their lawyer for an hour daily and file their DDR on a daily basis.

During the production of Nihangs, the media was stopped far away in the court premises.

During the production of Nihangs, the media was stopped far away in the court premises.

The judge called the journalists to the court room
Taking serious note of the incident of Sarabjit Singh stripping off his turban during his court appearance on Saturday, the police on Sunday did not allow the media persons to approach the accused. Keep journalists away from police vehicles. Some journalists also got into an argument with the policemen about this. However, during the hearing on the remand of Nihangs in the court, Judge Kimi Singla called two journalists inside the court room to see and hear the proceedings. Despite being told by the judge, the police did not allow any journalist inside for some time. On this the staff of the court came out on the orders of the judge and took two journalists along.

Defense lawyer denies confessing to crime
No lawyer appeared in the court on behalf of Nihang Narayan Singh, Bhagwant Singh and Govindpreet Singh. On this, the court appointed lawyer Sandeep Bhardwaj as his lawyer. When asked about the confession of Narayan Singh, lawyer Sandeep Bhardwaj, who came out of the court after the 6-day police remand of the three Nihangs was granted, said that nothing like this happened.

Police claim – confessed the incident, now we will collect evidence
Sonipat DSP Virendra Singh, who is probing the Lakhveer murder case, said that the Nihangs have accepted their crime in the court. Now the police will collect evidence from all four during the remand.

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