New trouble for Bengal: Corona slowed down, but now children are also affected, severe symptoms of acute encephalitis syndrome

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • West Bengal Coronavirus Status Update; Doctors warn if children get infected

Kolkata32 minutes ago

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Even though the speed of rising corona in West Bengal has decreased, but now children are also falling prey to it. The number of children in the cases of corona that have been reported in the state in the last two weeks is high. Severe symptoms of corona with symptoms of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) have been found in these children.

The number of children is more among the people infected with corona admitted in most of the hospitals of the state. At the same time, a child admitted to the hospital has died due to sudden deterioration of health.

Children need special attention
Severe symptoms of pneumonia have also been observed in Kovid-positive children with symptoms of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome, after which they have been kept in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU). Most of the children who have been found to be Kovid positive are between 8 and 14 years of age.

According to the doctors, the children who are admitted in PICU may take time to recover. Children need special attention during the third wave. Let us inform that during the first two webs, mild symptoms of corona were seen in children to a large extent.

11,644 decrease in active cases in West Bengal
On Thursday, 3,608 new cases have been found in West Bengal. During this, 15,216 patients were cured, while 36 people have died. On Wednesday, 4,969 new cases were found here and 34 people died. A total of 19.82 lakh cases have been found in the state so far, while 19.06 lakh people have recovered. A total of 20,481 people have died.

Active cases are 55,725. There has been a decrease of 11,644 in active cases on the last day. The positivity rate here is 9.02%.

A look at Corona in the country

  • Total Corona Cases: 4,06,22,366
  • Total Recovery: 3,80,13,481
  • Total deaths: 4,92,324

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