New malware brings more security issues for Android users, delete these apps now: All the details

Android smartphone users regularly grapple with malware warnings and this week, a new malware is a concern for these folks and security experts. According to a new report, four new malicious apps have been discovered on the Google Play Store that have already been downloaded by 100,000+ users.

Malware called Joker has been detected in these apps and even though Google has been notified about these apps and they have already been removed, we suggest you to read this story to see if you are one of those 100,000+ Are one of the users who have downloaded and are using any of these malware-infected apps.

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New apps with Joker malware found in Google Play Store

These are the four new apps discovered by Joker malware Pradio,

– Smart SMS messaging: 50,000+ installs
– Blood Pressure Monitor: 10,000+ installs
– Voice Language Translator: 10,000+ Installs
– Instant Text SMS: 10,000+ Installs

If you have installed any of these apps on your Android smartphone, we suggest that you remove them immediately.

Technically, the Joker malware has been around for a few years, and in the process has infected thousands of apps and affected millions of devices. The latest episode of malware shows that hackers have found smart ways to bypass the usual security screening of apps carried out by Google. To be fair, Joker malware has become famous for being discreet and code-lite, making it difficult to detect during the screening process carried out by the Play Store.

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The Google Play Store claims to have improved its security process, but as you can see with malware like Joker, a lot more work needs to be done behind the scenes to keep up with the changing dynamics of this malware. Could be dangerous for millions of people.

As we always recommend, do not download apps from unknown developers, even from the Play Store. Always continue to use apps hosted by companies that you know are reliable and secure.

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