New guideline for corona testing: Testing of a person who came in contact with the infected is not necessary unless he is in the danger category

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • ICMR says no test for asymptomatic people, unless contacts of covid patients are at risk

2 hours ago

For Kovid Testing, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued a new advisory regarding Kovid Testing. According to this, there is no need to test people who came in contact with the corona infected unless they are in the risk category.

who should be tested

  • People who have cough, fever, sore throat, breathing problems or similar problems, who are having problems with smell and taste, they can be tested.
  • People aged 60 years and above, who have diabetes, hypertension, kidney and lung diseases, can be tested.
  • People who are traveling internationally.
  • Foreign travelers arriving at Indian airports, seaports can be tested as per the guidelines.

no test needed

  • People who do not have any symptoms of infection, they do not need testing.
  • There is no need to test the contacts of an infected person, unless they fall in the risk category on the basis of age or diseases.
  • Those patients who have been discharged on the basis of home isolation guidelines.
  • Those patients admitted to the Kovid Center who have been discharged.
  • Those who are traveling for domestic journeys i.e. from one state to another, their test is also not necessary.

test guidelines in hospitals

  • If someone has not been tested, then surgery or delivery will not be stopped on this basis.
  • If a hospital does not have testing facility, then it will not be referred to another hospital. Arrangements should be made for their sample collection and sending to testing labs.
  • Patients who are undergoing surgery and dissection and women hospitalized for delivery are not required to test unless they show symptoms or unless it is needed.

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