Netizens poke fun at Imran Khan’s latest statement on India’s population. watch video

Imran Khan
Image Source: AP

Imran Khan has been trolled for his recent statement on population in India

The Prime Minister of Pakistan has said in a big goof that the population of India is 1 billion 300 crores. This statement of the Prime Minister of Pakistan came during an interaction with the citizens, a video of which has now gone viral on social media. Asked why his country’s playing condition is poor, Imran Khan gave the example of New Zealand (with a large population) defeating India (with a large population) in the World Test Championship final.

Imran Khan said in the statement, ‘New Zealand with a population of 40-50 lakhs defeated India with a population of 1 billion and 300 crores in the final of the World Test Championship.

Video of Imran Khan’s address to citizens posted on Twitter

Meanwhile, the video caught the attention of netizens, who were quick to troll the Pakistani Prime Minister.

The current population of India is 1,394,716,546 as of Tuesday, August 3, 2021, based on the worldometer detail of the latest United Nations data.

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